Coaching Isn’t for Everyone
Mastering any craft takes time and dedication to what you’re passionate about, and that includes fitness coaching. We live in a time where meeting with a personal trainer for face to face interaction isn’t as vital. Going to the gym or having home visits isn’t as much of a necessity anymore.
With apps, videos, and smartphone interaction, there’s a whole world of opportunity out there. For those who are just starting and need a little push or the fitness junkie, getting your hands on the next best thing is easier than ever.
Practicing What You Preach
Whether online or not, fitness coaches are going to be critiqued for how they look. It may not be fair by any means, but the fact is that the people that are going to be seeking your help are going to look and see if you can back up what you say.
It may not be enough to tell them what they need to do for their fitness goals if you cannot practice that yourself. Nothing is more impressive to a potential client than seeing their coach is living what they teach, and their returning clients have had incredible transformations.
It takes more than charisma and optimism to help train potential clients, so make sure that you’re not just talking the talk.
What Clients Need to Know
There Is More to It Than the Gym
You may not realize this, but the majority of your goals are going to be accomplished by applying yourself in the kitchen, rather than the gym. The reality of it is this – you can’t out-exercise poor eating habits.
Without the right meal preparation in place for your daily life, you are never going to see the long-lasting results you want. It behooves me to dedicate more time to understanding the inner workings of diet rather than incorporate more gym time.

Start Small and Work Your Way Up
Maybe quitting an unhealthy lifestyle cold turkey will work for you in the beginning, but the fact is that kicking those habits aren’t done overnight. Don’t overwork yourself by thinking you need to meal prep, wake up super early, construct protein shakes, and drink a gallon of water right off the bat.
At first, that may work for you, but if you don’t already incorporate any of that into your everyday routine, it’s not going to stick long-term. The truth is, if you start with manageable permanent changes, you will develop even better ones that will be solidified in no time at all.
Listen to what your body is telling you!
Tips and Tricks with Weight Training
If you only schedule cardio all of the time, you’re going to lose muscle; there’s just no denying it. Although cardio training is essential for heart muscle strength, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, etc., you need more. Without weight training to accompany it, your body is going to experience a vast muscle deficit.
At least 2 to 3 days of your fitness schedule each week should include weight training to maintain your muscle as you continue cardio. An experienced fitness mentor that knows what she or he is doing would recommend a healthy mix of weight training into your daily routine.
It will still help you achieve your personal goals; you may need to make a few adjustments to maximize the outcome.
Damen G Fit
Fitness mentorship isn’t for everyone; you have to look inside of yourself and determine whether or not you’re able to inspire a client to achieve their goals. Being a mentor to grown adults isn’t about making them look incredible; it’s about helping them feel incredible and stay healthy.
The best part about signing up with the 1-on-1 coaching program is that you won’t have to give up any of the foods you love along the way to getting the body you want. You’ll have unlimited access to me and everything I know to start living a more sustainable lifestyle.
Download my virtual trainer app to start receiving tips and tricks to dieting, exercising, and improving your overall quality of life using my programs.