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Benefits of Training with Kettlebells

If you’re not feeling ordinary cardio, but aren’t up for hitting the weights either, there’s a perfect solution. The benefits of training with kettlebells can give you a distinct advantage over athletes who don’t use them.

What are the benefits of kettlebell training? Below, we’ll provide plenty of reasons as to why you should incorporate these mobile weights into your regimen.

man in shorts holding kettlebell above shoulder receiving benefits of training with kettlebells

Kettlebell Training Combines Strength and Cardio Work

The optimal way to achieve fat loss is to combine cardiovascular workouts with strength training. Kettlebell exercises are ballistic and require strict form for maximum effect and to avoid injury. This process will get your heart pumping while also pushing different muscle groups.

One of the unique ways that kettlebell workouts can do this is by forcing your body to deal with a changing center of gravity. You don’t want to go too light or too heavy with your kettlebell. The right amount of weight will force you to exhibit strong control over different muscle groups to deal with the moving weight.

Your muscles will constantly be contracting in an effort to stabilize, and your grip strength will improve as well.

Kettlebells Increase Your Power Output

Most kettlebell exercises must be performed with precise, deliberate force. Because of the changing center of gravity, poor form or using a weight that’s too heavy can very easily cause injury if you can’t quickly stabilize. Whether you’re performing a clean and jerk or a kettlebell swing, you must commit to the movement.

Over time, this builds up your endurance and ability to exert large amounts of force quickly. This explosive power output is ideal for sports and other laborious activities which may require you to perform work at a moment’s notice.

Your Respiratory Endurance Will Improve

Regular strength training focuses on controlled sets of an exercise without so much of the cardio components. Kettlebell workouts push your heart rate while also demanding more work from your body than just jogging or using your body weight. Over time, you’ll build strength and be able to perform a greater level of activity without rest.

One Kettlebell Can Provide Full Body Workouts

Kettlebells come in a variety of sizes and can be used to perform exercises for the entire body. Kettlebell swings can build core, glute, and leg strength. You can perform arm swings, clean and jerks, presses, and more for your upper body. You can perform goblet squats to give yourself a bit more resistance when training the legs.

Kettlebells are highly versatile and mobile, so you can give yourself a full workout anywhere you happen to be. You’ll always have access to an effective workout with kettlebells.

Improved Posture and Stability

The most common reason for poor posture is weak muscles in the posterior chain. Signs of this are shoulders rolled forward, slouched back, head down, and so on. What’s likely happening is poor muscle strength in the shoulders, back, and core.

Kettlebells forces the body to utilize a variety of muscles in order to remain stabilized during a workout. Over time, this will increase strength in those weak, problem areas. This, in turn, will yield an improvement in the body’s natural posture. You’ll lose weight, get stronger, and stand tall with pride over the hard work you’ve done to get there.

Get Kettlebell Training Tips and More with Damen Griffith

Damen Griffith is an online fitness coach who wants to help you create your dream body. One of the most important, overlooked aspects of achieving a healthy, lean body is having the knowledge to build a lifestyle to support it. You can apply for online training and receive nutritional guidance and workout plans tailored to get you results.

For more information, contact Damen at and follow him on Instagram!

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Why Am I Not Losing Weight When I Exercise?

As the new year approaches, you remember the previous year when you started working out only to find yourself asking “Why am I not losing weight when I exercise?”

The process for losing weight can be mostly simple, but yet we so often find that certain actions are preventing us from turning exercise into results. Here are some key errors you might be making on your weight loss journey.

Man on weight loss journey because of exercise

Why Am I Not Losing Weight? You’re Eating Too Much

It’s probably obvious that creating a calorie deficit can lead to weight loss. However, you may be picking up extra calories throughout the day without realizing it. 

Aggressively chasing your weight loss goals with strong workouts is commendable. However, this change to your body can cause you to get far hungrier than you would be otherwise. Make sure that you aren’t eating greater portion sizes or adding snacks high in calories to help quell this extra hunger.

One way to help combat this is to track your calories burned as well as the calories in your meals. Getting fit and losing weight requires discipline not only in the gym, but in the kitchen as well. Make sure that you don’t add in extra calories. You may also need to tweak your exercise routine if you find yourself fatigued and hungry too often. 

You’re Eating Too Little

Alternatively, starving yourself is a sure-fire way to make sure to stall your weight-loss progress. There’s a delicate balance in reducing calorie intake to start shedding pounds, but not to hinder your metabolism. 

Many individuals are guilty of crash dieting and skipping meals thinking that it will help them lose weight faster. Your body instead can enter a state where it attempts to preserve fat instead of burning it. Your metabolic rate lowers screeching halt and your obvious discomfort from hunger is in vain. 

Worse yet, you’ll likely swing back the other way and end up overeating later out of frustration and end up gaining weight for your troubles. Weight loss is a gradual process with no shortcuts. Consult with your trainer to help schedule meals that promote healthy, predictable weight loss.

You Don’t Eat Healthy Foods

You’re showing up to the gym, and you’re technically eating less calories. However, your calorie allotment is made up entirely of greasy fast food with no nutritional value. 

In theory, you could potentially lose weight this way, but you probably won’t be happy with the results. It’s been proven that diets high in protein and healthy fats see increased weight loss as opposed to those without protein and high amounts of carbs and sugars. 

Protein is a building block of muscle synthesis. When you perform strength training, you damage and encourage muscle growth which occurs using protein. As the body gets the protein it needs and performs this process, it burns more calories found in fat stores, leading to reliable weight loss.

You’re Tired and Stressed Out

As if it wasn’t challenging enough, diet and exercise sometimes aren’t the only reasons you aren’t losing weight. Many of us have stressful jobs or things going in our life that leave us anxious and exhausted.

The stress hormone known as cortisol causes the body to experience insulin spikes and high blood sugar levels. This state can greatly increase appetite and even make you crave unhealthy foods. Additionally, studies find that weight gained as a result of this response is far more likely to be stored in the gut. This type of fat is the kind that is responsible for heart disease. 

Similarly, not getting enough sleep greatly affects body recovery and appetite. Medical advice from professionals always suggest 7 to 9 hours of sleep for the average adult. Even if your someone who feels “good” with less, your body still needs it for proper function. 

Losing Weight with Damen Griffith 

A great way to combat many of these issues is to create a daily plan. You should create a daily plan with the advice of a nutrition and fitness expert like Damen Griffith. He will create tailored workout regimens that get you results without taking all of your time. You’ll also receive constant nutrition advice to make sure you’re fueling your body with what it needs. To get access to Damen today, sign up now!

Continue to do your part to achieve your weight loss goals. Focus on giving your body and mind what it needs to lead a healthy, fulfilling life every day.

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Good Nutritional Practices for Someone on the Go

The most common excuses for not eating healthy or practicing good nutritional habits sound something like “I’m too busy,” or, “I don’t have enough time.” We’re here to inform you that there’s good news. Making conscientious use of the time that you do have can help you prepare for and overcome those times that you feel it’s easier to indulge in junk food than to eat right.

Here are some useful tips to help you make healthier choices that will lead to a more energetic and happier you.

Prepare All of Your Healthy Meals & Snacks for the Week

There’s no better way to combat spur of the moment weaknesses or indulgences than having food ready to go. The reason why we so often tend to pick up fast-food or unhealthy options at the convenience store is just for that – convenience. 

Take a moment out of your day to prepare meals for the rest of the week. Whenever you’re feeling hungry at work, or too tired to make food at home after a hectic day, a pre-made plate will be waiting for you. You can even prepare or bag some snacks to take with you on the go. Use the work refrigerator to store your perishable food. Also, think about all the money you’ll save by not going out. 

Make a Meal Plan

meal plan notes around fruit good nutritional practices for someone on the go

Continuing with the theme of planning, make a list of meals you enjoy and schedule them to a particular day. You can do this on a week-by-week basis, or plan for the entire month if you’re ambitious. Writing down goals and creating to-do lists is a proven method for sticking to plans and achieving objectives.

Stop Buying Junk Food

It tastes incredible and is easy to pick up, but it’s making you gain weight and only serves to harm your health in the long-term. Unfortunately, the only thing getting thinner from fast food is your wallet. Make the concerted effort to stop purchasing fast food meal alternatives and opt for healthy options such as salads or lean chicken when you go out. However, you can just as quickly prepare these easy meals for the week. Doing so saves you time, money, and inches on your waistline.

Don’t Skip Breakfast

Many people skip breakfast for all manner of reasons. The reasons for doing so generally come down to lack of time, preparation, or simply not feeling hungry when it’s early enough to still have the time to eat.

Generally, eating breakfast can serve to regulate blood sugar levels for the rest of the day. Additionally, eating a balanced meal with good portions of protein can not only provide you with adequate energy but also leave you feeling less hungry throughout the day. Skipping breakfast may make you feel energy-deprived, causing you to snack more frequently throughout the rest of the day and overindulge.

Don’t Be Afraid to Freeze It

In cooperation with all of your planned food preparation, you can also freeze your meals for later eating. Many individuals purchase a lot of ready-to-eat fresh foods and freeze them for later use. Having a meal ready for lunch can be as simple as taking previously purchased fruit from the freezer, tossing it into the blender, and drinking a smoothie on the go.

Drink Plenty of Water

It’s a common mistake to confuse thirst with hunger. Many of us don’t make enough of an effort to drink enough water throughout the day. You may not need the old adage of 8 glasses a day, but drinking plenty of water may help you feel fuller and have more energy throughout the day. Water will not only suppress your appetite but also boost your metabolism and eliminate toxins and waste from your body.

Skip that After-Work Drink

Lastly, one of the most tempting things for many people after a busy, stressful day is a beer, wine, or liquor to unwind. Not only is it a quick way to add a lot of extra calories to your diet, but it can also quickly dehydrate you and leave you feeling less energetic, especially if you don’t drink water. If you’re reading these tips, then you probably already know you should be using that time to consume something healthy instead.

Consult a Fitness Professional to Help Manage Food Goals

Fortunately, fitness expert and nutrition counselor Damen Griffith already created an affordable e-book detailing his tips and methods for creating healthy, powerful meals to promote weight loss. It also does the scheduling work for you by explaining the best times to eat your specific meals.

For evidence of how Damen Griffith can help you with your nutrition and health goals, feel free to check out our transformation testimonials for yourself. If you’re convinced, we encourage you to contact Damen Griffith today at as well as via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter messaging. Start your journey to better health today.

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5 Tips for Staying Fit on the Road

man jumping rope using these 5 tips for staying fit on the road

Do you find yourself struggling to maintain a fitness regimen due to frequent travel demands? Do you need help finding exercise routines or alternative solutions to fight off unnecessary weight gain? The answers are much more straightforward than you would expect and mostly require a bit of commitment and willpower to work up a sweat when you’re’ out of your element. Check out these five tips that everyone should follow to help them keep the body engaged while away from home.

1. Use the Hotel Gym or Pool

While hotel gyms are generally bare bones, having some workout space is better than none. These rooms will typically have treadmills and ellipticals so that you can get a quick cardio workout. Whenever possible, you should scout out hotels that have a gym outfitted with dumbbells so that you can easily keep all of your different muscle groups engaged. Also, take some quick laps around the pool instead of just relaxing. Swimming with a focused intensity can not only be a great cardiovascular workout, but it avoids unneeded stress on the joints. 

2. Explore Your Area While Running or Biking

If there’s a sidewalk, then there’s a place to go running. Get out and explore new areas. Running is a great way to get your blood pumping and lungs working. You earn additional points if you can find regions nearby with hilly terrain. Experiment with high-intensity interval training by sprinting for 30 seconds, followed by 60 seconds of jogging to help you catch your breath. 

3. Pack a Jump Rope and Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a great tool to use if you’re looking to get the muscles engaged. You may not be able to find a spot to get your regular weightlifting in, but resistance bands will get the blood flowing to the muscles and keep them active. Additionally, jump ropes are incredible yet straightforward tools that will give you an intense cardio workout. Both are light and easy alternatives to pack with your luggage. 

4. Look for Affordable Drop-in Gyms

With technology, it’s easier than ever to scan the areas for local gyms. Check out if they accommodate drop-in visits for a reasonable price. Many gyms are happy to make a quick buck off of frequent travelers and will happily allow you to make use of the facilities. If you already have a gym membership at a chain brand, see if it will enable you to make temporary use of other locations.

5. Get Creative 

When all else fails, all you need for a solid workout is your own body weight. Calisthenic exercises can build and maintain body strength, endurance, and flexibility with no weights or equipment required. Examples of some activities include pushups, sit-ups, crunches, squats, burpees, lunges, and more. You can even make creative use of the furniture, such as doing tricep dips with a chair or inverted rows by hanging from the underside of a desk. If you have a body and know how to move it, you can get a workout. 

Damen Griffith Fitness Can Help You Build a Workout Plan

Damen Griffith is a personal trainer that commits himself to helping you get the body you want without giving up the things you love. With a personal trainer, you’ll have constant assistance, fitness and nutrition tips, and unlimited access for instructional or motivational support. With professional guidance and techniques for workouts at the home or the gym, you’ll obtain results with faster, safer, and more effective training routines.

If you’re ready to commit yourself to creating a better you, contact Damen Griffith for online mentorship and coaching at as well as on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter.

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Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise

In one of our previous posts, we provided an overview to the incredible health benefits that come with regular weightlifting exercises. To get the most out of your health and fitness regimen, you’ll also want to add cardiovascular workouts as well. 

man and woman jumping rope to reap benefits of cardiovascular exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is defined as any exercise that causes your heart rate to rise to an elevated state. Cardio increases blood flow as the body works harder to carry oxygen to the muscles engaged in the activity. It also gets a bad reputation as it’s demanding, makes you sweat, and wears you out fast.

Nevertheless, cardio exercises are an integral and necessary part of any fitness regimen as well as maintaining overall health. Let’s break down the various benefits of cardiovascular exercise and how it can improve your mind and body.

Improved Cardiovascular Systems

Working the cardiovascular system increases its strength and ability. The heart, for example, is a muscle that will grow stronger with use just like any other. It also will increase your lung capacity and encourage arteries and blood vessels to carry more oxygen throughout the body. Just like lifting weights, as your cardiovascular system grows stronger, you’ll be able to engage in more demanding exercise and continue to see increased results.

Lose Weight – Get Shredded

When used in tandem with a great strength-training program, cardio exercise can aid in burning off extra calories as more fuel tends to burn in activities that make your heart pump continuously. The benefits can increase even further when you engage in high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which creates an anaerobic effect on the body. However, don’t buy into the myth that cardio is solely responsible for weight loss. Combine the benefits of weightlifting with the impact of cardio to see maximum results and earn a shredded physique.

Helps Improve Mood & Fight Depression

You may have heard of something called “runner’s high.” It turns out that this is a real phenomenon that is caused by an explosion of endorphins released as a response to the discomfort and increased physical demand placed on the body. These endorphins serve to interact with receptors in our brains and reduce the sensation of pain. It also sparks the growth of nerve cells, which leads to improved brain activity and, ultimately, feeling healthier and happier.

Fight Off Disease

Cardiovascular is proven to ward off a variety of potential health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. As long as the activity is weight-bearing, it can also fight off osteoporosis. Regular cardio activity will keep blood pressure levels low and control blood sugar levels. Certain activities such as something simple as powerwalking can maintain bone strength. 

How Do I Get Started?

If you’re new to exercise or have not engaged in a regular activity that increases heart rate, you will want to start slowly. With my online coaching, I can create a workout program that entails cardiovascular and weightlifting exercises that are right for your skill level. As a dedicated personal training coach, I will provide exercise tips, nutritional information, and all of the knowledge you need to stay safe and get healthy. 

When you’re ready to get healthy, contact me via email at, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram today!

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4 Routine Weight Lifts You Should Be Doing

In a recent article, we went over the often overlooked, but substantial health benefits of regular weightlifting. We can summarize the benefits by stating that it promotes lean muscle mass, fat loss, and overall physical and mental health. 

Now that you know the benefits, you might be asking yourself what lifting techniques you could be doing to help your body reap the rewards. Here is a list of four weight lifts that are a staple in gyms everywhere for their remarkable strength-building and weight loss benefits.


Performing squats is arguably the most beneficial exercise you can do, as they can be performed easily with just your body weight. Squats directly affect all of the leg muscles, including your quadriceps (front of the leg), the hamstring (back of the leg), and your calves. These are the largest muscles found in the body, and squatting works them all at the same time. By working such large muscle groups at once, you are utilizing a lot of energy, which means higher calorie burn and a leaner body. Squats also benefit the rest of the body by triggering anabolic processes, which stimulate cell growth and increase in size. Stronger muscles result in a higher metabolism overall.

To squat correctly, follow these steps:

  • Place feet slightly wider than the hips
  • Hinge at the hips, sticking the glutes out
  • Naturally ‘sit’ into your heels while keeping the entire foot on the ground
  • Keep your chest up and shoulders back
  • Drive through the heels back up to a standing position


woman performing deadlifts one of 4 routine weight lifts you should be doing

Similar to the squat, the deadlift can provide incredible health benefits as it works almost the entire body, including the legs, the butt, the lower back, the neck, the inner scapulae, the rhomboids (inner back), and the abs. It’s an incredible exercise, but one that must be performed correctly to avoid injury. Having the assistance of an expert personal trainer, such as Damen Griffith, can help with monitoring correct form not only for your safety but to get the maximum benefit of the workout. 

To perform a deadlift correctly, follow these steps:

  • Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width
  • Slightly bend the knees and hinge forward at the hips. Keep your back straight at all times
  • Lower your body and grab the bar outside of the legs. Keep your chest up and eyes looking forward to help maintain form
  • Drive through the heels, keeping the bar close to your body and exhaling as you stand
  • Slowly lean forward, keeping the back straight and slightly bending the knees, and lower the bar back down to the ground


The row is an activity that engages the back, the shoulders, the biceps, and the core for stabilization. Rows can be completed in different ways, with the most common being dumbbell rows or barbell rows. Rows assist in building back strength and mitigating issues that involve it. 

To complete dumbbell rows, follow these steps:

  • Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand
  • Bend the knees slightly, hinge forward at the hips, and keep your back straight. The dumbbells should be hanging in front of your body
  • Contract the back and pull the dumbbells up to your sides, keeping the elbows tucked in, and actively trying to squeeze the inner back muscles
  • Lower the dumbbells to a hanging position while keeping the core stable and back straight

Bench Press (Chest Press)

The bench press is probably the most stereotypically referred to weightlifting exercise in popular media. That’s because it is also a staple exercise for increasing overall muscle mass as it works your chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and even quadriceps if you’re doing the exercise correctly. 

To perform the bench press, follow these steps:

  • Squeeze the shoulders blades and point your chest toward the bar
  • Squeeze the glutes and plant your heels (your whole body should feel secure and tight now)
  • Grip the bar with thumbs around the bar to prevent it from falling. The bar should be in the heel of the palm
  • Lift the bar from the rack and slowly lower it to the center of your chest
  • Keep the elbows close to your sides and immediately drive the bar back up using your whole body 
  • Don’t let the bar settle too long in a lowered position or come to a complete rest

Performing these weightlifting techniques will likely take some getting used to. They all require precise, finely tuned movements not only to keep your body safe but to make sure that you are effectively working all of the muscles that you can. Properly utilizing these techniques regularly will see an increase in total body strength, lean muscle mass, and overall weight loss. 

Master Your Weightlifting Form with Damen Griffith Fitness

Learning to lift weights can be an intimidating prospect for some, but it doesn’t have to be when you have a personal trainer. Damen Griffith has the fitness knowledge to create a weightlifting regimen that is ideal for your experience level and body type. With this service, you can receive one-on-one consultation to make sure you are getting the most out of your workouts and keeping your body safe. 

To get the most out of your workouts and fitness journey, contact Damen Griffith at You can also check out his content on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram for daily fitness and nutrition advice.

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The Major Health Benefits of Weightlifting

Weightlifting can too often be associated with negative traits that give people the wrong idea. You might commonly hear individuals say, “I don’t want to get too big,” or accuse weightlifters of being harsh or big-headed. The truth of the matter is that exercising with weights comes with incredible health benefits that you cannot replicate elsewhere. Consider some of these effects before you make another excuse to ignore the iron.

Man weightlifting for health benefits

Boosts to Metabolism and Fat Loss

Many people tend to think cardiovascular exercise pertains to weight loss, and lifting is just about increasing size. Fat loss is one of the most common goals when it comes to fitness, and ignoring the weights causes you to miss out. Resistance training creates a muscle burn that lasts for far longer than a typical session of cardio, which leads to a higher metabolic rate. Increased muscle size overall will also lead to a higher basal metabolic rate, meaning you burn your body will burn more calories naturally.

It Improves Everyday Activity

The strength you are building through resistance training doesn’t just apply in the gym. Regular lifting while using proper form and technique will see an overall increase in body strength, which makes everyday tasks easier while protecting vital areas such as your core. You will find that you have the power to work harder and for more extended periods in your daily life. You will face far less risk of joint injuries and falling caused by poor balance.

Increased Bone Strength and Density

We often don’t consider the vital role our bones play in keeping our bodies stable and healthy. As we grow older, our bone density naturally decreases. Training with heavy weights and adapting to higher levels of force encourages the body, including the bones, to adjust accordingly. Your body will seek reasons to grow strong to survive. You have to be the one to supply them.

It Makes You Stronger Mentally as Well

Pushing your body with resistance training can often trigger a rush of endorphins throughout the body, which are hormones commonly referred to as “feel-good” chemicals. Additionally, a study by the Harvard Medical School proposed that the ability to overcome controlled obstacles, such as finishing a hard set of weighted squats, can lead to feelings of accomplishment and improved mental resiliency. 

Other Medical Benefits

Engaging in regular strength training will inevitably lead to an increase in lean muscle mass, which helps combat against visceral fat. Visceral fat exists in the abdominal area near vital organs, and an excess of it comes with possible cancer risks. Resistance training can also alleviate symptoms of Diabetes or eliminate the risk by providing the body with a way to utilize additional glucose and calories during and after the exercise.

Weightlifting benefits occur by training anywhere from 2-4 days a week on average, depending on your exercise and medical history. Depending on your experience and goals, an ideal workout should only take roughly thirty minutes out of your day. Lifting also doesn’t necessarily mean power-lifting or tremendous amounts of weights that can scare off beginners. Placing the muscles under tension beyond what they are used to can trigger immediately noticeable effects on the way you feel. Even if you don’t have access to a gym or weights, household items, or even bodyweight exercises can suffice as you grow in strength and improve your abilities. 

Damen Griffith can assist you in starting your fitness journey to a better, healthier you. With a qualified personal trainer, you can establish a strength-training regimen that’s right for your needs and your capability. Reach out today to find out more information. 

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An Inside Look into Fitness Coaching and Mentorship

Coaching Isn’t for Everyone

Mastering any craft takes time and dedication to what you’re passionate about, and that includes fitness coaching. We live in a time where meeting with a personal trainer for face to face interaction isn’t as vital. Going to the gym or having home visits isn’t as much of a necessity anymore.

With apps, videos, and smartphone interaction, there’s a whole world of opportunity out there. For those who are just starting and need a little push or the fitness junkie, getting your hands on the next best thing is easier than ever.

Practicing What You Preach

Whether online or not, fitness coaches are going to be critiqued for how they look. It may not be fair by any means, but the fact is that the people that are going to be seeking your help are going to look and see if you can back up what you say.

It may not be enough to tell them what they need to do for their fitness goals if you cannot practice that yourself. Nothing is more impressive to a potential client than seeing their coach is living what they teach, and their returning clients have had incredible transformations.

It takes more than charisma and optimism to help train potential clients, so make sure that you’re not just talking the talk.

What Clients Need to Know

There Is More to It Than the Gym

You may not realize this, but the majority of your goals are going to be accomplished by applying yourself in the kitchen, rather than the gym. The reality of it is this – you can’t out-exercise poor eating habits.

Without the right meal preparation in place for your daily life, you are never going to see the long-lasting results you want. It behooves me to dedicate more time to understanding the inner workings of diet rather than incorporate more gym time.

Start Small and Work Your Way Up

Maybe quitting an unhealthy lifestyle cold turkey will work for you in the beginning, but the fact is that kicking those habits aren’t done overnight. Don’t overwork yourself by thinking you need to meal prep, wake up super early, construct protein shakes, and drink a gallon of water right off the bat.

At first, that may work for you, but if you don’t already incorporate any of that into your everyday routine, it’s not going to stick long-term. The truth is, if you start with manageable permanent changes, you will develop even better ones that will be solidified in no time at all.

Listen to what your body is telling you!

Tips and Tricks with Weight Training

If you only schedule cardio all of the time, you’re going to lose muscle; there’s just no denying it. Although cardio training is essential for heart muscle strength, reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, etc., you need more. Without weight training to accompany it, your body is going to experience a vast muscle deficit.

At least 2 to 3 days of your fitness schedule each week should include weight training to maintain your muscle as you continue cardio. An experienced fitness mentor that knows what she or he is doing would recommend a healthy mix of weight training into your daily routine.

It will still help you achieve your personal goals; you may need to make a few adjustments to maximize the outcome. 

Damen G Fit

Fitness mentorship isn’t for everyone; you have to look inside of yourself and determine whether or not you’re able to inspire a client to achieve their goals. Being a mentor to grown adults isn’t about making them look incredible; it’s about helping them feel incredible and stay healthy.

The best part about signing up with the 1-on-1 coaching program is that you won’t have to give up any of the foods you love along the way to getting the body you want. You’ll have unlimited access to me and everything I know to start living a more sustainable lifestyle.

Download my virtual trainer app to start receiving tips and tricks to dieting, exercising, and improving your overall quality of life using my programs.